Arsène Hodali

Arsène Hodali


I write, puzzles and call, them poems.


  1. "To be or not to be?" "Wateva B! Let's play some ball." And so, feeling orange, I run and jump, my heart dribbling in this maddening game.

  2. "Ever seen a dog starve? Ever ate a dog, starved? It tastes just like beef, but tougher. But you're a pig lover. Ever seen a pig starve?"

  3. The Fool grabs my ear, with that smile of his, and says "I once took this very, very seriously."

  4. ...Ten missed birthdays worth in hearing your dad's words abandon home 'till he calls you "Bastard!" through illegitimately clenched fists.

  5. There's about nine months worth of irony in laboriously hearing your mom verbally-birth "You son-of-a-bitch!" through clenched-teeth.

  6. "Woah - man, these love affairs with abstract concepts screwed me up mentally. Man, am I naked and messed. Did you know it wasn't an apple?"

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